Twintel Community

Helping to strengthen our community through giving back

We’re in the Business of Giving Back

Outreach is all about giving back. Our business is a part of the community and giving back helps to bring us together. Our culture is focused on giving back where it matters by supporting our community with Orange County community service. 

Orange County Community Service: How Twintel is Giving Back

We’re proud to share that we have worked with a variety of organizations that are focused on different aspects of community outreach. Between youth organizations, Meals on Wheels, elderly care, and even intellectually or physically challenged care, we’ve put in the effort to make a difference.

Volunteer Events

From serving meals at a homeless shelter to participating in community clean-up projects, we’re always looking for ways to make a difference through Orange County community service.

Twintel IT Consultant Speaking With A Client


Along with doing the gruntwork, we financially back our community by donating to local charities, Orange County nonprofits, and other organizations that are making a positive impact.


The power of mentorship is undeniable. We often partner with local organizations and schools to provide educational, career guidance, and mentorship to youth in the area.

Pro-bono IT Support

With many Orange County nonprofits, resources are scarce and technical support can be a major issue. We offer our IT services to these organizations for free, to ensure that they can leverage technology to achieve their goals.

Let Us Help

Community Organizations That We’ve Worked With

Let Twintel Help You: Uplifting Our Community Together!

Between donations, volunteer hours, pro-bono IT services, and partnerships with local Orange County nonprofits, giving back is an integral part of Twintel’s culture. We strive to make the biggest impact possible through our time and efforts.

If you’re interested in learning more about Twintel’s commitment to Orange County community service and seeing how we can help your organization, contact us today. We look forward to making a positive impact in the community together!

Ready to Get Started?

Nonprofits/Community Organizations Can Request Our Assistance Below